Volvo Connect plays an integral part in daily operations for Aaron, he tells us ‘…right from day one I started using Volvo Connect on a daily basis.’
With a fleet of over 60 trucks (including 12 Volvos with 5 I-Save models on order!) and over 100 trailers dealing with global container shipping, it’s essential that Aaron can effectively track his vehicles and driver’s activity. Using Volvo Connect he can do this with ease to keep on top of continual driver and fleet efficiency development.
With the help of Jon; Aaron and DRS ‘…made sure right from the word go that everything was about efficiency!’ With driver coaching active on their latest vehicles, we hear how ‘the drivers have an invested interest in the driver coaching function and using the screen in the cab to check their scores, and drivers who are using the driver app as well to check their own scores. [Aaron] regularly get[s] screenshots from drivers sharing their scores in the various categories…the information it gives us allows us to fine tune areas where we can increase efficiency and performance out of them for our operations’.
Volvo Connect is a major discussion point of DRS’ quarterly review meetings (With Jon at hand in the meetings to answer questions and provide top class advice!) as they investigate how they can improve driver scores across the fleet.
‘When I want to monitor driver scoring, I find the APP is a very quick way to access the information required’ said Aaron when we asked him about using the Volvo Connect app, so even away from his desk he can check efficiency and performance at any time!
With the Fuel and Environment service active on their vehicles, DRS run Fuel efficiency reports for their whole fleet as well as separate reports for their individual depots. In addition to this standard report, they tailor various custom reports which are then scheduled to be emailed to Aaron first thing every Monday morning, removing the need for him to set a reminder to run the reports manually each week.
Aaron uses the Driver Times service as a backup for remote tachograph downloads and for keeping Volvo Connect up to date with current driver names, saving valuable administration time.
To conclude Aaron told us that choosing the spec’ for new Volvos is ‘…very much driven by Volvo Connect and the information it gives me to drive efficiency and performance as best we can… which is by far and above … the best system out there.’
Thanks to Aaron and DRS for this invaluable feedback. To find out more about how Volvo Connect can help with the daily running of your business please visit our website below (where you will also find the links to download the Volvo Connect app), contact your local Fleet Solutions Manager, or email us at